Volume Nine • May 9, 2013 "This was such a fun read! I just loved it. It's a perfectly unique and modern twist on the Cinderella story..." One Week to Go.... There are only seven more days before our campaign ends... can you help us reach our goal? Twenty-six people stand behind Michael and I in achieving our dream of completing our musical. Are you among them? Would you like to be? (YES!) A favorite perk seems to be the paperback version of The Souls of Her Feet—which is getting effusively great reviews so far! "...One of my favorite escapes as a child was piling into my mother's closet where we stored the sleeping bags and reading my seemingly never-ending book of fairy tales, and Kristen Caven took me right back there. She has the skilled hand that it takes to retell a fairy tale without coming off clichéd or overly sentimental..." Of course, you can also just buy the book for your e-reader; that helps us too!  "...Strong voice, great characters, and upbeat pacing drive this story through to the very end. I identified so much with the cleaning-as-therapy that Ashley begins..." And if you've read it, please write a review! Reviews make or break books by indie authors like me. ..."I dearly, dearly love Harry! But my absolute favorite part is the "glass slipper". Here, let me read you some! This is the "glass slipper" part J.M. Randolph liked so much in her Goodreads review. I read it at the launch ("lawnch") party. Want to donate now? (YES!) THANK YOU!!! | |  - 7 days to $2500
- My first review!
- Virtual Reading
- NEW Music!
- The Last Queen of Hawaii
 Listen to this beautiful soundtrack Michael whipped up. The song is "A Girl Like Me," the emotional low-point of the play, in which Ashley is wracked with self-doubt. But it ends hopefully note right before intermission, so we want to come back and see what happens! Listen to A Girl Like Me Now wouldn't you like to hear someone sing the lyrics? (YES!)  As soon as the campaign ends, Michael will get on a train and come out to California, where we will put our heads together and get more songs written! Upcoming Reading! May 19, 2013, 2pm Main Oakland Library A week from this Sunday I'll be reading (a different part) at the California Writers Club. If you've been wanting to check ME out, check the CLUB out, or see bestselling author JULIA FLYNN SILER speak about The Lost Kingdom, her book about the last queen of Hawaii, please join us! “…a sweeping tale of tragedy, greed, betrayal, and imperialism. The depth of her research shines through the narrative, and the lush prose and quick pace make for engaging reading.” —Library Journal More than ever, Thanks for reading!!!! Kristen |  | subscribe to the occasional Cobbler here | |
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